Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Woohoo...3rd Trimester!

Another milestone date...28 weeks!
I am happy and excited to be at this point and going into the third trimester. Things have been quite stable the last two weeks. I have gone in to have my shot each week and am continuing with my other medication 3x's a day to keep everything settled :)
I will see the doctor again tomorrow and I'm not sure yet if he is wanting to schedule another follow-up ultrasound to check the fluid levels but I FEEL like I am still big and growing bigger so that's a good sign. I now have some maternity shirts that I CAN'T wear anymore because they are getting too short. I guess that means the belly is growing. I should take some pic's today and add them to this post...if not, I'll do it shortly :)
What a blessing to be at the point where we can start planning for baby...looking through baby clothes and buying some diapers and that sort of stuff. Brad is just happy we didn't find out what we're having because I might be too tempted to be shopping online all day for cute little outfits :0 But hey, we'll know soon enough!
We are still working out the names...can't seem to come up with a boy name that we both love so maybe that means it's a girl...who knows! It's still fun to come up with ideas and I'm sure we'll narrow it down soon enough so the poor little one doesn't go home as "baby K". If we leave it up to our lovely son at home though he would love to name a little brother, Pablo :0 because apparently he says, "no one in our family has that name" haha!!
So for now, that's all...if there is anything new from the doctor I'll update soon!!

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