Tuesday, March 17, 2009

26 weeks

Look at this...another post...I am getting kind of consistent here...not bad!

I had a follow-up ultrasound today to check the amniotic fluid around the baby and then an appt. with my OB doctor. The doctor wanted to check the fluid levels because the medication that I am on to control the contractions and cramping can sometimes lead to decreased fluid. All is well though, my levels are on the high end of normal!! Yay! What great news! They also checked out the cervical length and it was great, even better than a month ago...wow. I am so thankful that the ultrasound appt went so well. The doctor was also very pleased! He said that as long as things are stable then "keep doing what you're doing" and he won't worry about a consult in Seattle with the perinatologist or having steroid shots just yet. He was even brave enough to say that I don't need to come see him for two weeks. (we'll see how that goes...haha) I'll be in the office anyways to have my shots on thursdays so he knows he'll probably see me then anyways while I am in to see the nurse! :)

I am so very thankful to our wonderful God for answering so many prayers for a sustained and healthy pregnancy at this point. He is great!! There are so many worries and I really try not to worry about what hasn't happened yet but with my frail human mind it is sometimes hard to keep only today's worries for today. I think that because of our previous loss of our little Emily at 24 weeks and our other subsequent difficult pregnancies and early deliveries it takes a lot of the naivety out of a pregnancy for me. I am however, constantly amazed that through faithful prayer, God gives me (and Brad) the strength to face every day with hope and excitement!!

By the way, the ultrasound technician today took some fun 3D shots of the baby and those are the pictures I'm posting here (one of a leg - with a foot tucked under it and one of the profile) :

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