Wednesday, April 22, 2009

31 weeks

Things have stayed relatively quiet the last week. I have been in to see the doctor each week and now we're just taking things day by day. I have had quite a few contractions and more cramping but as long as I'm still hanging in here it's all good!

The doctor has advised me to stay on the higher dose of the nifedepine for now, it seems to keep things down to a dull roar and even though I've maybe had times when I should go back to the hospital to be monitored I've managed to control things at home well enough. Lots of rest, warm baths and some medication and we're taking things day by day.

The doctor mentioned again yesterday that if I am back at the hospital, contracting more than 7 - 8 times an hour then he'll administer the steroid shots right away if I am before 33/34 weeks and if they cannot calm the contractions down he'll send me to Seattle. We are very prayerful about getting to the 34/35 week mark where we can have the baby in Bellingham. At 35 weeks and past they will not try to stop the labor but go ahead with a c-section (as baby is still breech).

Well, we're getting there :) and that is exciting. Hopefully the next few weeks go by quickly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of rest? HMMMMM!

Praying with you. Lots of love...and dinners to come :-)