Wednesday, April 29, 2009

32 weeks.

Here I am...happy to be at 32 weeks! :)

I've had a bit of an up and down week this week so far. Monday afternoon I had lots of contractions and as a result ended up taking my medication early that day to avoid (if I could) having to head to the hospital again. It took a couple of hours but the contractions settled down from every 3-4 minutes to the usually 10-15 minutes. I was happy to not go into the hospital but know that if it keeps happening then that may be what happens.

I saw my doctor today and he told me it would be fine to take 120mg/day of the nifedepine seeing as my body is getting "too" used to the medication. He's hoping this will help having too many spells like monday. His advice is to also take it really easy again for the next couple of weeks. I have to be at least 34 weeks along to deliver in B'ham and of course he would love to see me get even a week or two past that. After 35 weeks they won't try to stop the labor but let the labor take it's course. At that point, he would do the c-section. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post but I am having a c-section this time around (like the last) because the baby is unfortunately in breech position and is in no mood to flip around I guess :) Too bad, this is not what I was hoping for and of course the recovery isn't great (just what I don't need after all this) :( But hey, a healthy baby is the goal and I am thankful that I have been blessed so far and know that this also is in the Lord's hands.

For now, baby is still very active and keeps reminding me that he/she is doing great still :) I am measuring 2 weeks ahead which the doctor figures will mean another good size baby for his/her gestation. Good news for us...even if babies are born early...the bigger they are usually means the better they do.

I am also happy to be at a point where the question of steroids for baby's development can be avoided. Don't get me wrong, if I need to do this because delivery is imminent in the next week or two then that's what we'll do BUT, if I can avoid delivering that early then the effects of the steroids don't do much anymore for the baby and it is of course best to avoid anything as unnatural as a very large dose of steroids to a tiny baby if we can. (spoken from someone who has been taking medication for over half the pregnancy) :]

Well, a wonderful friend of mine reminded me the other day that "The Lord allready has a birthday picked out for this little baby" and it IS wonderful to think of that and that He knows what is best for all of us. Not a hair will fall from our heads without His will and that is a great reminder and comfort while we've wrestled through weeks of uncertainty and medical help during this pregnancy. God is good!

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