Thursday, September 14, 2006


Braden just had another video-flouroscopic swallow study and an appointment with his doctor in the pulmonary clinic. The swallow study went well and we noticed a marked improvement in his condition since the beginning of summer. He was swallowing the nectar-thick (single-thick) liquids quite well and the technician even tried some regular liquids which he managed some good swallowing with. He isn't quite ready for the regular liquids but he is able to handle the nectar thick well enough to switch from honey-thick (or double-thick). We are very happy with this news because it means he is developing better swallowing reflexes. This is in part due to regular development and also in part because he is on the proper doses of Prevacid for reflux. The Prevacid keeps the stomach acids from being sloshing around in his throat which in turn then doesn't allow for swelling and damage to the throat. The doctors were confident enough with Braden today that they recommended his next set of appointments be in March of next year. This is great news and hopefully Braden is able to stay stable through the cold and flu season and with that be able to continue with his swallowing development. The hope would also be that we are able to take him of the thickeners by next spring (his second birthday). This is what we will hope and pray for over the winter months. We are also so thankful for your prayers and support.

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