Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A little more Info...

Here is Braden walking with his IV Pole.

Braden's condition(s):
Dysphagia - Swallowing difficulty
GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

High Risk for :
Descending and Ascending aspiration
-caused by swallowing problems and the inability to protect the airway.
-this should be a developmental thing. In time he will outgrow it is what
the doctors are hoping, although they don't know why Braden is doing this.
There doesn't seem to be a cause and by this age swallowing should be an
involuntary reflex.

Chronic Lung Disease
- once the lungs have damage (scar tissue) it will have life long consequences.
- aspirating stomach contents because of reflux can be very damaging to the
lungs because of the acids. It can also damage the vocal cords and larynx
which would explain why Braden had a hoarse voice/cry. That seems to
repair itself over time.


Anonymous said...

Thanks SO much for keeping us updated! We wish we were closer, but Lord willing we'll be home by Memorial Day. We're praying for all of you, and especially Braden. Thanks again, Steve

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read Haven liposuction winter